Did you ever wonder how important your belly button is? Or how connected you are to life itself within this vital point? Do you remember how you received life while you developed in your mother's womb? Well it all happened within your belly button your first scar and point of life that connects all of your vital organ systems, including your brain. We call this area your second brain or gut brain.
So which brain developed first? Answer: Gut Brain. Your umblical cord connected to your belly button formed first. So it is the gut brain that talks to your upper brain its not the other way around as we commonly assume.
What does all this mean? It means if we take good care of our gut then everything else will stay in balance. Belly Button Healing activates our two most important vital signs,which are circulation and temperature. In fact all life on this planet requires these two vital energies to maintain harmony and balance.
So what are you waiting for? Begin practicing belly button healing for a lifetime of harmony and balance.
Come to the center for a FREE 20 minute Belly Button Evaluation Call (770) 643-2220 or email roswell@bodynbrain.com to book your apointment today!