We all went through our finances, set new goals for our personal growth and careers. For some of us, it may be easy to stick to the plan. However, for most of us, it is easy to fall off the track after the New Year hype of being motivated to change and challenge yourself to be the better you. This may happen to you every year, may be just last year was a setback for you, or it has been a slow start for you to kick off this New Year.
Don’t be discouraged! Life is an adventure and up’s and down’s are necessary as it keep things interesting and we always learning something from these experiences. As long as you are taking action, you will move forward no matter what. It is important that your intentions need to be clear though, so you won’t get lost.
Here are some helpful methods to regain your spirit and get focused to achieve your daily/ weekly/ monthly goals!
3 Steps to Intentional Reflection to Revive your Spirits
3 Brain Sensitizing Exercises to help you get back to Balance
3 Steps to Obliterate Limiting Beliefs