Good Health is Brain Health

March 7, 2019
Good Health is Brain Health


When you talk about your health, do you consider the vitality of your brain?

If you’re reading this, you probably consider your brain to be pretty important :-)

But how can you really tell if your brain is in good shape? And more importantly, what can you do to keep your brain working well for as long as you plan on needing it?

Have no fear, we’re here to provide you with some simple ideas and exercises that will help keep your brain in tip-top shape.

Your brain is a part of your body, right?
But your brain is unique as a part of the body- we all know that.

Consciousness is found in the brain.

It’s safe to say, then, that the condition of your brain will determine a lot about how you experience consciousness. Could your consciousness also affect the health of your brain? In Body & Brain, we say that a functional brain is peaceful, creative, and productive. A good brain functions that way even under stress. In that sense, how is your brain? Could it be a little better?

It might seem a little simplistic to connect brain condition to words like peaceful, creative and productive. But these qualities are actually good indicators of whether or not our brains are in good shape. When you are overly stressed, fatigued, malnourished or sick or injured, will you be peaceful, creative and productive? Probably not. And you don't need tests to tell you that.

But you might say, “my peace, creativity, and productivity are affected by things like emotions, distractions, my workload, and those aren't health issues, right? ”Actually, your emotions, focus, stress, and activity levels all have been found to affect the health of the brain.

This can get pretty complicated. If everything affects the health of your brain, then how can you possibly manage your brain health? There's too much stuff to consider!!

Don't despair- the answer to this complicated mess may be simpler than it seems.

The brain is still a part of the body. For a great brain, start with what is good for the body.

1. Exercise regularly
2. Create a consistent sleep routine
3. Eat a (generally) healthy diet
4. Keep stress in check (see link above)
5. Maintain a positive outlook

Let’s take another look at number 5. A positive outlook has been shown to be good for our brain health. So just think positively, right?

If you’ve tried to think positively in the midst of stress and negativity, you might know it’s not an easy task.

Here’s the real secret to maintaining a positive outlook…

It’s all about action.

“But a positive outlook is about the mind, right?”

Many people get stuck thinking that they can change their mind by… thinking…

But the truth is that the mind is much more than just thinking.

Without action, positive thinking is flimsy and temporary in its effects.

Studies have shown that even a simple action, like smiling, can increase the power of a positive mindset. Even fake smiling has been shown to reduce stress.

You’ve heard “fake it until you make it,” right?

Well, there’s more wisdom to this saying than it might seem.

Those who know the power of the mind also know that maintaining positivity is about making positive mental routines, rather than simply trying to ‘remember’ to be positive. And positive mental routines are born out of the actions that induce positive mindsets- be they expressions of gratitude, the activation of will power, achievement and accomplishment, discipline, or something else. Body & Brain Centers support the creation of healthy and empowering exercise and meditation habits in a fun, positive environment. If you're looking for more info about improving your condition, please visit one of our centers.

The bottom line is, if you’re looking to upgrade your brain health, don’t overthink it. Take care of your body and trust the power of positive actions to create positive mindsets. Then you’ll be well on your way to having a healthier, happier brain.